Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The $20,000,000 Club

Only 6 documentary films have cracked the $20 million mark at the box office. Data retrieved from;
  1. Fahrenheit 9/11: $119,194,771 (2004)
  2. March of the Penguins: $77,437,223 (2005)
  3. Earth: $32,011,576 (2009)
  4. Sicko: $24,540,079 (2007)
  5. An Inconvenient Truth: $24,146,161 (2006)
  6. Bowling for Columbine: $21,576,018 (2002)
A look at the top twenty:
(click to enlarge)

For some perspective, Fahrenheit 9/11 (as of the moment I type this) is the 332th highest grossing film of all time in the domestic box office with $119,194,771. This is eight spots below I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry at #324, which cracked the $120,000,000 mark.

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