Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tribeca Film Festival

The Tribeca Film Festival is nearly upon us. It runs from April 21 - May 2 in New York. There are 40 documentaries being screened at this year's fest. Here are a few that caught my eye;

  • Feathered Cocaine about falcon smuggling in the Persian Gulf
  • New American Soldier is the tale of three immigrants who enroll in the army in hopes of achieving UC citizenship. (Short Documentary)

  • RUSH: Beyond the Lighted Stage: the greatest band to come out of Canada...ever
  • Straight Outta L.A., Ice Cube's film focuses on the Raiders move to LA in 1982
  • Untitled Eliot Spitzer Film
  • Visionaries takes a look at avant-garde cinema (it features Kenneth Anger and Ken Jacobs) and is sure to be a treat on the big screen
Currently solely "premium pass" and package deals are available. On April 13th, you can purchase tickets exclusively with an American Express card. Then on April 18 those residents who live downtown (address below Canal Street) can purchase tickets. Finally, on April 19, tickets go on sale to the rest of us.

Trivial Tidbits:

  • The festival was founded by Jane Rosenthal, Craig Hatkoff, and Robert De Niro in 2002 in an effort to revitalize the Tribeca neighborhood of Manhattan after 9/11
  • Racing Dreams won Best Doc Feature in 2009

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