Monday, December 28, 2009


Director: Jeffrey Blitz

A gripping account of eight teenagers and their quest to win the 1999 National Spelling Bee, Spellbound is so so good that it could've been written by the Guest/Levy mockumentary machine.

Spelling bees attract the biggest, most extreme nerds in all their eccentric nerdy glory from across the country - setting up the stage for an enticing character piece.
These kids are all brilliant, and their preparation for the Bee is persistent and intensive.

The spellers' parents play almost as big a role in the film. Their relationship with their children is fascinating - though sometimes painful - to watch. One highlight was one contestant's mother used the unword "irregardless" (and not in an ironic kind of way) moments after her son was eliminated on what his father called an "easy word."

Spellbound is no hellebore. Watch it!

Trivial Tidbits:
  • Lost to Bowling For Columbine at the 75th Academy Awards
  • The final/winning word from the 1999 Bee was "logorrhea"

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